redovni profesor
- Fakultet sportskih nauka
Republika Hrvatska
Doktor nauka iz sporta
Rukovodilac studijskog programa (Org. jedinica: Studijski program "Sportski menadžment - 180 ECTS")
Rukovodilac studijskog programa (Org. jedinica: Studijski program "Sportski menadžment - 240 ECTS")
Rukovodilac studijskog programa (Org. jedinica: Master studijski program "Sportski menadžment - 60 ECTS" II ciklus)
Rukovodilac studijskog programa (Org. jedinica: Master studijski program "Sportski menadžment - 120 ECTS" II ciklus)
Dekan fakulteta (Org. jedinica: Fakultet sportskih nauka - dekanat)
PROF. DR VELIBOR SRDIĆ, dekan Fakulteta sportskih nauka, rođen je 22. marta 1977. u Zagrebu. Završio je Gimnaziju u Banjoj Luci. Osnovne i magistarske studije završio je na Fakultetu sportskih nauka Univerziteta "Apeiron", te na istom fakultetu odbranio doktorsku disertaciju na temu ''Efekti transformacionih procesa kod juniora u plesu''. Zaposlen na Univerzitetu od 2006. godine. Karijera je vezana za sportski ples i moderne takmičarske plesove. Trenutno je u zvanju vanrednog profesora u užoj naučnoj oblasti Sportske i rehabilitacione nauke, podoblasti Teorija sporta i nauka o treningu, Menadžment u sportu i Ritmička gimnastika i ples. Na studiju drugog ciklusa radi kao odgovorni nastavnik na Metodologiji naučnoistraživačkog rada u sportu.
Autor je i koautor preko 60 naučnih i stručnih radova od kojih je 14 objavlljeno u časopisima na SCI i SCOPUS listi. Autor ili koautor je četiri univerzitetska udžbenika. Predsjednik je Organizacionog odbora Međunarodne naučne konferencije "Sportske nauke i zdravl?e" i glavni urednik istoimenog časopisa, koji je uvršten u Scopus bazu. Osnivač je osnovne baletske škole u Banjoj Luci. Trenutno obavlja funkciju predsjednika Svjetske plesne organizacije (IDO), predsjednika Evropske IDO konferencije i direktora IDO Sudijskog komiteta. Predsjednik je Saveza modernih plesova u BiH i Plesnog kluba "Gemma" Banja Luka.
Preuzmite biografiju u elektronskom formatu.
Fakultet sportskih nauka - Panevropski univerzitet "APEIRON" Banja Luka
Bosna i Hercegovina
Doktorat nauka - naučni stepen
Doktorska disertacija
Efekti transformacionih procesa kod juniora u plesu
Fakultet sportskih nauka - Panevropski univerzitet "APEIRON" Banja Luka
Bosna i Hercegovina
Magistarski predbolonjski studij - naučni stepen
Magistarski rad
Trenažni proces kao faktor sportskog menadžmenta
Fakultet sportskog menadžmenta - Panevropski univerzitet "APEIRON" Banja Luka
Bosna i Hercegovina
Četvorogodišnji studij I ciklusa
Diplomski rad
Srdić, V.(2023). Promjene nekih antropoloških dimenzija kod juniora u plesu pod uticajem eksperimentalnog programa. Sports Science & Health, 0-0.
Pelemiš, V., Mandić, D., Momčilović, Z., Momčilović, V., & & Srdić, V.(2022). Body composition and nutritional status of preschool children. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 295-304.
Bajrić, S., Srdić, V., & & Bajrić, O.(2021). Frequency and Structure of Lower Limbs Disorders in Preschool Children. Sports Science & Health, 0-0.
Srdić, V., & & Nešić, M.(2021). Valorization of a Questionnaire Intended for Measuring the Quality of Dance Club Services. Sports Science and Health, 74-85.
Nešić, M., Srdić, V., Ćurguz, Z., & & Kljajić, Ž.(2021). Student Perception of The Quality of Higher Education Institutions'services in Context of Their Ownership Structure. International Journal of Sales, Retailing & Marketing, 23-36.
Bajrić, S., Bajrić, O., Srdić, V., & & Bašinac, I.(2019). Analysis of Quantitative Changes of High School Students' Morphological-Motor Characteristics under the Impact of Regular Physical Education Classes. Croatian Journal Educational/Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje, 13-28.
Pelemiš, V., Ujsasi, D., Srdić, V., Džinović, D., & & Pavlović, S.(2019). Analysis of the motor status of younger school age children in relation to their nutritional status. Facta Universitatis, 111-124.
(2019). Metrical Characteristics of The Questionnaire Applied to The Quality Assessment of the Services of Higher Education in the Republic of Srpska. EMC Review-Economy and Market Communication Review, 264-276.
Srdić, V., Nešić, M., & Jakupović, S.(2019). Metrijske karakteristike upitnika primijenjenog procjeni kvaliteta usluga visokoškolskih institucija u Republici Srpskoj. Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije, 264-276.
Bajrić, S., Bajrić, O., Srdić, V., & & Jovanović, S.(2018). Analysis of Quantitative Change of Motor Child Indicators of Secondary School Students under the Influence of Regular Physical Education. Sports Science & Health, 42-51.
Peric, D., Nesic, M., Dacic, D., Ahmetovic, Z., & & Srdic, V.(2017). The quality of sports services in karate club based on users' perception. Archives of Budo, 131-137.
Nešić, M., Ahmetović, Z., Srdić, V., & & Badrić, M.(2017). Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students' Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina. Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 867-889.
Peric, D., Nesic, M., Dacic, D., Ahmetovic, Z., Srdic, V., & Milosavljevic, S.(2017). The Quality of Sports Services in Karate Club Based on Users’ Perception. Archives of Budo, 131-137.
Nesic, M., Ahmetovic, Z., Srdic, V., & Badric, M.(2017). Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students’ Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina. Croatian Journal of Education, 867-889.
Srdic, V., Nesic, M., & Rados, L.(2016). Evaluation of Sports and Recreational Services in a Local Community Based on Users’ Perception. Acta Kinesiologica, 93-100.
Bajrić, O., Selimović, N., Bajrić, S., & Srdić, V.(2015). The effects of football programmes on the transformation of anthropological characteristics of young football players. Sport Science, 48-52.
Nesic, M., Srdic, V., & Canak, N.(2014). Education of Sport Managers in Serbia- A Current and Future Situation. Sport Science, 116-131.
Srdić, V., Bajrić, O., Oreb, G., Lolić, V., & Zagorc, M.(2013). Regression Analysis of Connection between Morphological, Motor and Functional Abilities with the Success of Performance of Technical Elements in Dance.. Acta Kinesiologica, 60-65.
Srdić, V., Bajrić, O., Jovanović, M., & Nešić, M.(2013). Changes in Motor Capabilities of Dancers under the Influence of the Proprioceptive Training and Jump Rope Training. Sport Science, 171-182.
Srdić, V., Bajrić, O., Jovanović, M., & Nešić, M.(2013). Changes in Motor Capabilities of Dancers under the Influence of the Proprioceptive Training and Jump Rope Training. Sport Science, 171-182.
Nesic, M., Srdic, V., & Popmihajlov-Zeremski, S.(2013). Assessment of Professional Work in Sports Facilities Based on Opinions and Viewpoints of Service Users. Sport Science, 101-117.
Srdić, V., & & Bajrić, O. (2017). Chronological Differences in Acquisition of Dance Structures' Elements Evaluated by Competent Judges. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa-In Proceedings of 8th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology (pp. 825-828). Zagreb: University of Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology
V. Srdić, "Promjene nekih antropoloških dimenzija kod juniora u plesu pod uticajem eksperimentalnog programa", Sports Science & Health, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 0-0, 2023.
V. Pelemiš, D. Mandić, Z. Momčilović, V. Momčilović and V. & Srdić, "Body composition and nutritional status of preschool children", Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 295-304, 2022.
S. Bajrić, V. Srdić and O. & Bajrić, "Frequency and Structure of Lower Limbs Disorders in Preschool Children", Sports Science & Health, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 0-0, 2021.
V. Srdić and M. & Nešić, "Valorization of a Questionnaire Intended for Measuring the Quality of Dance Club Services", Sports Science and Health, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 74-85, 2021.
M. Nešić, V. Srdić, Z. Ćurguz and Ž. & Kljajić, "Student Perception of The Quality of Higher Education Institutions'services in Context of Their Ownership Structure", International Journal of Sales, Retailing & Marketing, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 23-36, 2021.
S. Bajrić, O. Bajrić, V. Srdić and I. & Bašinac, "Analysis of Quantitative Changes of High School Students' Morphological-Motor Characteristics under the Impact of Regular Physical Education Classes", Croatian Journal Educational/Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 13-28, 2019.
V. Pelemiš, D. Ujsasi, V. Srdić, D. Džinović and S. & Pavlović, "Analysis of the motor status of younger school age children in relation to their nutritional status", Facta Universitatis, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 111-124, 2019.
, "Metrical Characteristics of The Questionnaire Applied to The Quality Assessment of the Services of Higher Education in the Republic of Srpska", EMC Review-Economy and Market Communication Review, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 264-276, 2019.
V. Srdić, M. Nešić and S. Jakupović, "Metrijske karakteristike upitnika primijenjenog procjeni kvaliteta usluga visokoškolskih institucija u Republici Srpskoj", Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 264-276, 2019.
S. Bajrić, O. Bajrić, V. Srdić and S. & Jovanović, "Analysis of Quantitative Change of Motor Child Indicators of Secondary School Students under the Influence of Regular Physical Education", Sports Science & Health, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 42-51, 2018.
D. Peric, M. Nesic, D. Dacic, Z. Ahmetovic and V. & Srdic, "The quality of sports services in karate club based on users' perception", Archives of Budo, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 131-137, 2017.
M. Nešić, Z. Ahmetović, V. Srdić and M. & Badrić, "Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students' Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina", Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 867-889, 2017.
D. Peric, M. Nesic, D. Dacic, Z. Ahmetovic, V. Srdic and S. Milosavljevic, "The Quality of Sports Services in Karate Club Based on Users’ Perception", Archives of Budo, vol. 13, no. 0, pp. 131-137, 2017.
M. Nesic, Z. Ahmetovic, V. Srdic and M. Badric, "Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students’ Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina", Croatian Journal of Education, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 867-889, 2017.
V. Srdic, M. Nesic and L. Rados, "Evaluation of Sports and Recreational Services in a Local Community Based on Users’ Perception", Acta Kinesiologica, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 93-100, 2016.
O. Bajrić, N. Selimović, S. Bajrić and V. Srdić, "The effects of football programmes on the transformation of anthropological characteristics of young football players", Sport Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 48-52, 2015.
M. Nesic, V. Srdic and N. Canak, "Education of Sport Managers in Serbia- A Current and Future Situation", Sport Science, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 116-131, 2014.
V. Srdić, O. Bajrić, G. Oreb, V. Lolić and M. Zagorc, "Regression Analysis of Connection between Morphological, Motor and Functional Abilities with the Success of Performance of Technical Elements in Dance.", Acta Kinesiologica, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 60-65, 2013.
V. Srdić, O. Bajrić, M. Jovanović and M. Nešić, "Changes in Motor Capabilities of Dancers under the Influence of the Proprioceptive Training and Jump Rope Training", Sport Science, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 171-182, 2013.
V. Srdić, O. Bajrić, M. Jovanović and M. Nešić, "Changes in Motor Capabilities of Dancers under the Influence of the Proprioceptive Training and Jump Rope Training", Sport Science, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 171-182, 2013.
M. Nesic, V. Srdic and S. Popmihajlov-Zeremski, "Assessment of Professional Work in Sports Facilities Based on Opinions and Viewpoints of Service Users", Sport Science, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 101-117, 2013.
V. Srdić and O. & Bajrić, "Chronological Differences in Acquisition of Dance Structures' Elements Evaluated by Competent Judges", in Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa-In Proceedings of 8th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, Zagreb, 2017.
Srdić, V.
Sports Science & Health
Promjene nekih antropoloških dimenzija kod juniora u plesu pod uticajem eksperimentalnog programa
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Pelemiš, V., Mandić, D., Momčilović, Z., Momčilović, V., & Srdić, V.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
Body composition and nutritional status of preschool children
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Bajrić, S., Srdić, V., & Bajrić, O.
Sports Science & Health
Frequency and Structure of Lower Limbs Disorders in Preschool Children
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Srdić, V., & Nešić, M
Sports Science and Health
Valorization of a Questionnaire Intended for Measuring the Quality of Dance Club Services
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Nešić, M., Srdić, V., Ćurguz, Z., & Kljajić, Ž.
International Journal of Sales, Retailing & Marketing
Student Perception of The Quality of Higher Education Institutions'services in Context of Their Ownership Structure
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Bajrić, S., Bajrić, O., Srdić, V., & Bašinac, I.
Croatian Journal Educational/Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje
Analysis of Quantitative Changes of High School Students' Morphological-Motor Characteristics under the Impact of Regular Physical Education Classes
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Pelemiš, V., Ujsasi, D., Srdić, V., Džinović, D., & Pavlović, S.
Facta Universitatis
Analysis of the motor status of younger school age children in relation to their nutritional status
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
EMC Review-Economy and Market Communication Review
Metrical Characteristics of The Questionnaire Applied to The Quality Assessment of the Services of Higher Education in the Republic of Srpska
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Srdić, Velibor; Nešić, M; Jakupović, Sanel
Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije
Metrijske karakteristike upitnika primijenjenog procjeni kvaliteta usluga visokoškolskih institucija u Republici Srpskoj
Bajrić, S., Bajrić, O., Srdić, V., & Jovanović, S.
Sports Science & Health
Analysis of Quantitative Change of Motor Child Indicators of Secondary School Students under the Influence of Regular Physical Education
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Peric, D., Nesic, M., Dacic, D., Ahmetovic, Z., & Srdic, V.
Archives of Budo
The quality of sports services in karate club based on users' perception
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Nešić, M., Ahmetović, Z., Srdić, V., & Badrić, M.
Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students' Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina
Časopis međunarodnog značaja
Peric, D; Nesic, M; Dacic, D; Ahmetovic, Z; Srdic, Velibor; Milosavljevic, S
Archives of Budo
The Quality of Sports Services in Karate Club Based on Users’ Perception
Originalni naučni rad
Nesic, M; Ahmetovic, Z; Srdic, Velibor; Badric, M
Croatian Journal of Education
Evaluation of the HEDUQUAL Scale Intended for Assessment of Students’ Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education Institution in Vojvodina
Kratko prethodno saopštenje
Srdic, Velibor; Nesic, M; Rados, L
Acta Kinesiologica
Evaluation of Sports and Recreational Services in a Local Community Based on Users’ Perception
Originalni naučni rad
Bajrić, Osmo; Selimović, N; Bajrić, S; Srdić, Velibor
Sport Science
The effects of football programmes on the transformation of anthropological characteristics of young football players
Originalni naučni rad
Nesic, M; Srdic, Velibor; Canak, N
Sport Science
Education of Sport Managers in Serbia- A Current and Future Situation
Originalni naučni rad
Srdić, Velibor; Bajrić, Osmo; Oreb, G; Lolić, V; Zagorc, M
Acta Kinesiologica
Regression Analysis of Connection between Morphological, Motor and Functional Abilities with the Success of Performance of Technical Elements in Dance.
Originalni naučni rad
Srdić, Velibor; Bajrić, Osmo; Jovanović, M; Nešić, M
Sport Science
Changes in Motor Capabilities of Dancers under the Influence of the Proprioceptive Training and Jump Rope Training
Originalni naučni rad
Srdić, Velibor; Bajrić, Osmo; Jovanović, M; Nešić, M
Sport Science
Changes in Motor Capabilities of Dancers under the Influence of the Proprioceptive Training and Jump Rope Training
Originalni naučni rad
Nesic, M; Srdic, Velibor; Popmihajlov-Zeremski, S
Sport Science
Assessment of Professional Work in Sports Facilities Based on Opinions and Viewpoints of Service Users
Originalni naučni rad
Srdić, V. i Srdić, A.
Povezanost varijabli za procjenu organizovanosti plesnog kluba i zadovoljstva u odnosu na status ispitanika
U Zbornik radova 1.internacionalne naučne konferencije iz baletske i plesne edukacije
Tanzelarija i Institut za umetničku igru Beograd, Univerzitet ''Nikola T
Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa
Srdić, V., & Bajrić, O.
Chronological Differences in Acquisition of Dance Structures' Elements Evaluated by Competent Judges
In Proceedings of 8th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology
University of Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology
Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa
Teorija sportskog treninga
Redovni profesor
Naučno-nastavno akademsko zvanje
Menadžment u sportu
Redovni profesor
Naučno-nastavno akademsko zvanje
Rješenje o povjeravanju predmeta
Menadžment sportskih objekata i događaja
Redovni profesor
Naučno-nastavno akademsko zvanje
Rješenje o povjeravanju predmeta
Ritmička gimnastika i ples
Redovni profesor
Naučno-nastavno akademsko zvanje
Rješenje o povjeravanju predmeta
Taktika izabranog sporta
Redovni profesor
Naučno-nastavno akademsko zvanje
Rješenje o povjeravanju predmeta
Menadžment sportskih organizacija
Redovni profesor
Naučno-nastavno akademsko zvanje
Rješenje o povjeravanju predmeta